by Naomi King (Yoga Suisse)
An Unforgettable Experience - Nature - Congress - Yoga
I was really looking forward to my first visit to the European Yoga Congress in Zinal. Memories from when I was younger brought back happy pictures: walks in the Val d’Anniviers, Alpine nature, fascination with the glaciers and the ever-flowing streams. Really eager, on the Saturday I travelled through the Rhone Valley and arrived in Zinal, walking from there up to the Cabane du Petit Mountet in the rain.
Yogis and yoginis are right to enjoy withdrawing into the mountains. Close to the sky, in the clarity of the summits, the strength of prana and the purity of cosmic energy can be perceived very intensely and encourage us to immerse ourselves completely in the practice of yoga. This year’s theme of ‘Prana – the Force of Life’ thus connected wonderfully well with the crystal-clear mountain air in Zinal. That quiet village surrounded by high mountains and an enchanting natural environment is where the congress takes place each year.
Yoga practitioners from all over Europe and from elsewhere in the world came together to practise in Zinal. On the Sunday evening, the congress began with an opening ceremony where the EUY and the 13 teachers were introduced. The ceremony was rounded off by a concert of Indian music, where participants got up to dance, enjoying a moment of togetherness and unity. On the Monday morning, the different sessions offered throughout the week began. It was impressive to see how, early in the morning, people in their colourful clothing and with a yoga mat under their arm left their chalets, flats and hotels to go to the classes on offer. The programme gave everyone the opportunity to dive deeply into the experience of prana and between classes there was time to say hello to old friends and make new connections.
Early on the Monday morning, I set off to explore the practice of tummo with Patrick Daubard, which took place outside. It was an impressive experience to be envelopped in the cold morning air coming from the mountains and yet warmed by the blazing warmth of inner fire. As it withdraws to an inner space, the mind remains clear. The cold becomes secondary, the body remains pleasantly warm and the breath flows rhythmically. An experience of infinite depth and inner happiness.
After a well deserved breakfast, I went to listen to Siddhartha Krishna, who made a long journey all the way from India to share his knowledge with participants. Deep wisdom and great gentleness accompanied his talk, which covered the meaning of prana in the Vedas, the Upanishads and other yoga texts.
It is worthwhile all yoga practitioners going to the Zinal Congress. Experiencing the inner strength of yoga when near the snowy mountains and glaciers is unforgettable. Quiet practice enables us to experience the importance of connection beyond all earthly limits. All yoga practitioners are encouraged to go to the congress, which takes place during the third week of August.