Abhyâsa and vairagya – François Lorin
Practice and detachment: the first two requisites to enquire about oneself, about what is Yoga, about how to go beyond our false sense of identity. Without this firm standpoint our minds and imagination can lead us further into illusions and misconceptions. Through a talk and an exchange, dive deeply into these questions.
François Lorin was born in 1941. He started yoga practice in 1960. He studied with TKV. Desikachar in Madras from 1966 to 1987. François followed J. Krishnamurti’s talks in India, U.K. Europe, from 1963 until the end of the eighties. He’s got a diploma of Richard Moss’ Mentor program in 1999. He was translator of TKV. Desikachar in Zinal on each of the later’s talks and practices.
François Lorin is a facilitator of personal development and transpersonal approach courses, a speaker, translator and writer. He has taught Yoga since 1969 and been a Yoga teacher trainer since 1972. He is affiliated to the French Institute of Yoga (https://www.ify.fr/)