Maeva Morin
Since 2021: Yoga teacher trainer at the École Française de Yoga de Paris (Geste Méditatif line)
Since 2016: Yoga teacher: Hatha yoga, pre- and post-natal yoga
Training courses: EFY Paris, De Gasquet Institut, Blandine Calais Germain Institut, MBSR
Practice/Workshop/Lecture schedule:
Title & Short Description of the type of Yoga Practice
Practicing yoga teaches us to establish ourselves in a solid and lasting way. The lineage of the Meditative Gesture proposes to explore the union of perseverance and detachment through the prism of joy: a simple joy that is offered to those who practice regularly without expecting results.
āsanas, mudrās, kriyās…(physical exercices / pratiques physiques), méditation, Outside classes (yogic practices, walking, tummo…) / Cours en plein air (pratiques yogiques, marche, tummo…)
Federation: FNEY Fédération Nationale des Enseignantes de Yoga France