Martha and Sergi – Ganesha Project


Ganesha Project is one of the preeminent bands on the domestic medicine music and mantra scene. Formed ten years ago as part of the Bhakti movement in Barcelona, they have built a very personal artistic proposal and an extremely powerful live chanting circle show.

They have taken their music to festivals such as MantraFest, Open Heart, Vibrafest and Sun Sun Love and have also worked with great national and international musicians.

Marta and Sergi embody the Shiva-Shakti union of the two masculine and feminine energies. Their voices merge into a single energy which brings healing to people prepared to open their hearts to listening.

The evolution of their career has led them to unveil their third record “From the Silence”, a very mature album which evokes the joy of living and vibrating highly through music rooted in the silence of the most sacred. Their single “Estrellitas” has already become an anthem of freedom and healing which is continuing to expand among the community of souls open to seeing the journey of life anchored in another paradigm.


Evening Concert  (Wednesday )*

* – The schedule is subject to change during the event. A more precise timetable will be provided closer to the date.


Marta (voice) and Sergi (voice and guitar)


Spiritual Journey through music