FEDERATION MEDITERRANEAN YOGA invites to the XXIST CONVENTION, May 1-4, 2025 | Catania, Hotel Nettuno | on YOGA AND SAMĀDHI
Once again this year, from May 1 to 4, 2025, the magnificent setting of the Catania coast will be the backdrop for the 21st annual F.M.Y. Convention, a must-attend event for all yoga lovers: it offers four days of yoga practices, meditations, sat-sangha, lectures, book presentations, and sharing of space and ideas with Italian and international masters who are authoritative and respected worldwide.
YOGA AND SAMADHI will be the topic of the conference, which is of utmost relevance today: Yogaś Cittavŗittinirodaḥ (Yogasūtra 1.2), one of the most beloved and well-known sūtra (aphorism) of Patañjali, a mystic and philosopher who lived in the second century B.C. author of yoga's most studied text, the Yoga Sutra, draws on the oral tradition and offers the cue to reflect on what this “yoga that aims at the suspension of unstoppable thoughts in the mind” is and to experience it through different practices.
The broad concept of samādhi - the ecstatic state of consciousness - brings with it questions that deserve to be explored and shared, especially in an age that leaves us no time and devotes so little space to reflection and deeper feeling. All events will take place in the beautiful Hotel Nettuno, located by the sea just a few hundred meters from the center of Catania; to fully enjoy all activities, guests and practitioners can stay at the hotel at a special full-board rate. The list of guest teachers and speakers for this edition is large and varied; thanks to their interventions we will have the opportunity to deepen our knowledge of Yoga and Samadhi, the main theme of the conference.
They are: 1. André Riehl 2. Carla Nataloni 3. Carlos Fiel 4. Driss Benzouine 5. Françoise Berlette 6. Gianni Pellegrini 7. Gioia Lussana 8. Gisa Franceschelli 9. Lorenzo Aristodemo 10. Philippe Djoharikian 11. Swami Asokananda 12. Swami Krishnapremananda and with the presence of Wanda Vanni, president of the Federation.
How to Attend: The Conference will begin on Thursday, May 1, at 4 p.m. and will end on Sunday, May 4, 2025 after lunch. The Conference will be held in Catania, Italy, at the Hotel Nettuno. Double and single rooms are available subject to availability, and treatment is all-inclusive (full board). Meetings and seminars will all be held inside the facility. Hotel room availability is limited; we recommend booking as early as possible.
The conference participation fee - for FMY members - is 220.00 euros. For non-members, the annual registration fee is 20.00 euros. Payment of the fee (non-refundable) by April 20, 2025 guarantees a place; the 20.00 euro adherent member fee, if any, must be made along with the registration payment. Payment to be made by bank transfer. IBAN: IT69 R076 0116 9000 0004 2094 524 payable to Federazione Mediterranea Yoga, with reason for registration Convention 2025
HOTEL BOOKING: We recommend that you make your reservation as soon as possible so that you do not miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the spirit of the event, which allows the opportunity for direct and daily contact with the Masters and guest speakers at the event. The reservation of the accommodation at a discounted price can be activated only after paying the event participation fee and notifying the Federation secretariat of the type of room chosen. Hotel payment will be made upon arrival, directly at the reception desk. Hotel Nettuno offers the following full board options - breakfast/lunch/dinner - exclusively for the Conference: - Double room accommodation with full board at a cost of €110.00 per day and per person - Single room accommodation with full board, at a cost of €130.00 per day and per person
For info and reservations: www.mediterraneayoga.org e-mail : mediterraneayoga@gmail.com info@mediterraneayoga.it tel. +39 3334111482