PhD in Indian Studies, former University Professor at the University of Rennes 2, trained in Hatha yoga by Dhirendra Brahmachari and later by K. Pattabhi Joïs. Trained in Vedânta by Shri D. Kulkarni and Arnaud Desjardins. Runs the “Amis de La Bertais” centre in Brittany, devoted to Adhyâtma-yoga.
Main Morning Workshop | 10:00 – 12:00 (daily)*
* – The schedule is subject to change during the event. A more precise timetable will be provided closer to the date.
French (with translation into English)
Abhyâsa and Vairâgya in the light of the Mahâbhârata. The exemplary destiny of the main heroes of the epic and the help they receive from their guide Krishna in their journey towards enlightenment.