Joana Oliveira
Joana Oliveira has been a Yoga practitioner for more than 20 years and a Yoga teacher (babies, children, adults, pregnant women, post-partum and Sound Yoga) since 2007. She trained with the Portuguese Federation of Yoga, the Birthlight Trust, the RYE (Recherche sur le Yoga dans l’éducation), the International Thai Yoga & Healing Art Institute and the Peter Hess Academy. Since 2011 she has been attending seminars with yogi Walter Ruta.
Harmonia, Viagem Interior e Água. Libertando Emoções are three CD from her music project, Planeta Azul, undertaken with her husband Ricardo Branco.
Joana was also trained as an Ayurvedic therapist by Amândio Figueiredo.
She teaches the Ethics, Pedagogy and Didactic of Yoga, and the History of Hindu Philosophy and Sacred Texts on FPY’s Teacher Training Course and she is one of the teachers on FPY’s Training Course for Yoga for Children.
She is currently President of FPY and a member of the EUY Ethics sub-committee and the project «Emphasising Spirituality within the EUY».