Sascha Pfeifer


Sascha trained in the Satyananda yoga system (Bihar School of Yoga) and has been following this path since 1995. He visits the Satyananda yoga ashrams in India, Greece or Italy yearly to deepen his connection to the traditional path of yoga. 

Since 2002 he has been teaching weekly lessons, workshops, weekend retreats and in-service training in Germany and the Netherlands. The foundation of his teaching is dedication to one path or yoga tradition and  experiencing it through one’s own practice. Sascha runs a retreat centre in the Netherlands.

Practice / Workshop / Lecture schedule


Dutch / English

Title & Short Description of the Type of Yoga Practice

Prâna in the practice of yoga

The experience of prâna shakti through the beauty of simplicity in asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, mantra and in relaxation and meditation. We will practise different yoga sequences in asana, pranayama and meditation in a step-by- step structure to experience the different layers of the practices and their connection to prana: pawan mukta asana sequence 1 to 3, surya namaskara with mantras and chakra awareness, nadi shodhana and brahmari pranayama in  depth, ajapa japa meditation, shavasana and Yoga Nidra.


Nederland / VYN  Vereniging Yogadocenten Nederland