Yoga and Social responsibility – Alexandra Eichenauer-Knoll

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Yoga and Social responsibility – Alexandra Eichenauer-Knoll

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Is practising yoga also a preparation for taking social responsibility?

The talk will present four assumptions about why Yoga is a good exercise for taking social responsibility and four possibilities, ways in which yoga teachers can support this process (creating a modern ethical practice field, understanding ethical principles, explaining the Social Connection Model of I. M. Young, sauca as a healing distance to avoid empathetic exhaustion).

Alexandra Eichenauer-Knoll has been teaching since 2004 and is currently a member of the BYO Board. She is Chairwoman of the ‘Herzverstand’ association in Hainfeld, which helps refugees and since 2021 has been active in the group ‘Yoga for Future’. In 2022 she published Yoga und soziale Verantwortung. Sich gründen im Außen und Innen mit Yama und Niyama. In her teaching she tackles the ethical questions that we encounter in daily life and is keen to encourage students to think critically and trust their own experiences. Sie ist Mitglied im Berufsverband der Yogalehrenden in Österreich (

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2023-12-09 @ 11:00 à
2023-12-09 @ 00:30

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